Monday, June 9, 2008

Thing #2

Hardest habit to break: not using technology to my advantage. I may try something, be enthusiastic, and then work a half year without trying the new skill again.

I can play and be curious and I certainly do read. Just read Michael Pollan's new book, In Defense of Food.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed In Defense of Food . Did you read, The Omnivore's Dilemma? Both of his works really made me think about what I consume on a daily basis.

A Reader said...

No, I haven't read it, but I did read another one of his books titled The Botany of Desire, about certain plants (tulips, hemp, tea, I believe, and others I can't remember) and the mix with human history. The book is more exciting than my description, and I do readers' advisory for a living!

Latebloomer said...

I am on Thing #12 where I have to post comments to five Learn2Play bloggers, and I will be honest, I chose yours because of your title. I am also an elementary school teacher, but in Houston, Texas, and that is one of my main goals each year is to have students correctly pronouncing "library" by the end of the year - and no longer calling me Miz Liberryan! And I also liked your Avatar - very clever.